P & A Blog








Launching Baker Pivot & Acceleration – Let’s Start with Why

Launching Baker Pivot & Acceleration – Let’s Start with Why

If you are arriving from www.baker-marketing.com, welcome to our new website. I'll give you the short version to start. I launched Baker Pivot & Acceleration when I realised in the last couple of years that the impact I had on the owner(s) and team of the small and medium size organisations I worked with, while helping them to pivot  their business and accelerate their sales through a more agile approach to management, was far greater that the one I had helping them with their marketing. I...

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Jumpstarting the Post-Covid Economy – Ecosystem Initiatives and Recommendations to Governments from 6 Startup Experts

Jumpstarting the Post-Covid Economy – Ecosystem Initiatives and Recommendations to Governments from 6 Startup Experts

It seems like most economies around the world are slowly (some more than others) getting back to the new normal. This new normal will be different and require innovative initiatives to jump-start the economy. Those initiatives must come from the private sector. Governments will also need to play a major role to structure these initiatives and act as a catalyst for them to ensure economies go in a ustainable direction. On May 12th, 2020 I was privileged to have the opportunity to facilitate an...

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